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Special Offers

Guided tour of the uncovered floor of the cathedral

1 hour 120,00 €

floor only


2 hours 150,00 €

floor and city walking tour


Tickets are not included

Reservation is required



+39 348 2252411


The marble floor will be visible from June 27th to July 31st. From August 18th to October 16th.

Siena Cathedral contains numerous masterpieces from every age, but its marble mosaic inlay and graffito floor is in many ways its most prized possession. Giorgio Vasari certainly considered it the "most beautiful..., largest and most magnificent floor ever made". The floor we see today is the product of a programme implemented between the 14th and the 19th centuries. The preparatory cartoons for the fifty-six inlay panels were supplied by leading artists, all of them Sienese save for the Umbrian painter Bernardino di Betto known as Pinturicchio, who designed the inlay depicting the Mount of Wisdom in 1505.

The technique used to transpose the various artists' ideas onto the floor is known as graffito and mosaic marble inlay. Simple to begin with, the technique gradually achieved an astonishing degree of perfection. The first inlays were traced out on white marble slabs using a chisel and a drill and then filled in with black stucco, a technique called "graffito". This was supplemented by a technique based on placing coloured marble pieces together using the marquetry method, a technique known as marble mosaic inlay.




Cristina Amberti

Tourist Guide Siena and southern Tuscany

English French Italian


Via di Quinciano 555 - 53014 - Monteroni d'Arbia Siena


+39 348 2252411

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